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How Can CBD Help?

Inflammation is a response from your immune system. It’s also often the cause of pain, so we are going to focus on the how CBD can reduce inflammation and therefore help reduce muscle pain and tension. 

Let’s use a basic example. If you get a splinter in your finger your immune system responds by releasing hormones that cause blood vessel dilation/expansion. This blood vessel dilation allows for inflammatory cells to be carried to the site of injury allowing the healing process to begin. These inflammatory cells will create chemical irritation around the nerves in your fingers. When the nerves are irritated a message is sent to your brain, signaling you are in pain! In response to the pain you are going to be extra cautious with your injured finger. In this scenario we see inflammation is a good thing. But what if the inflammatory chemicals and signals never turned off? 

Think of inflammation as a furnace in your house. If it burns too hot eventually you will overheat, if it shuts down you will freeze. It’s all about balance. You will soon learn that CBD does just that, it helps to restore balance from within. 

How do we fight free radicals, oxidation and inflammation? Can CBD help? 

Antioxidants are anti-inflammatory compounds found in foods, and supplements. Let’s be clear CBD has been shown to have multiple anti-inflammatory effects due to its antioxidant potential. Think of free radicals as little pieces of burning ash. When too many accumulate a fire will begins. That fire will burn hot and out of control until it’s put out. Antioxidants are like fire fighters, they “put out the flames” before it’s too late. Let us refer to the Government’s patent on CBD: 

"Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new-found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemis, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. A particular disclosed class of cannabinoids useful as neuroprotective antioxidants is formula (I) wherein the R group is independently selected from the group consisting of H, CH3, and COCH3." 

That’s right CBD is a potent antioxidant!!! It only makes sense that it would benefit those suffering from CID. 

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Recommended Products

CBD BioCare’s full spectrum CBD oil is recommended. Each drop represents a certain amount of full spectrum CBD Oil. The higher the mg, the higher the concentration.

Topical Pain Relief

Another way to use CBD is with topical pain relievers that work to provide immediate relief. Here are the two most common. One you roll on and it cools as it dries, and the other is a high mg pain relief rub that is a cream.

ReliefX® Pain Relief Roll On

500mg CBD Pain Relief Rub

What else can you do? 

Remember CBD is an excellent start. In clinical practice when a patient begins to supplement with CBD oil, we always emphasize that CBD is supplemental to a healthy balanced life style. Eat healthy, stress less, exercise and rest. If you want to experience the full benefits of CBD take advantage of the lifestyle factors you can change.

How much CBD should I take?

This will depend on your lifestyle, medications, supplements, and disease progression. For most the standard dosage range of 10-100 mg’s will work. For daily maintenance, 5-40 mgs daily should do the trick. Remember as always start small and increase until you find your CBD “sweet spot”. 

If you suffer from CID chances are you have one or more “symptoms” or “diseases” listed above. CBD has the ability to affect a host of systems in the body, including but not limited to, insomnia, depression, anxiety, pain, blood pressure, blood sugar, and the list goes on. Be sure to monitor how you feel daily for each “symptom”, don’t be afraid to keep a journal. 

Disclaimer: Although I recommend between 10-100mgs daily, many people find relief with the 3500mg concentration. Remember at higher dosages always consult with your physician, especially if your medications require monthly blood work.

Bonus: For a more in-depth discussion of anti-inflammatory nutrition, CBD, supplements, and lifestyle choices please view our video on Diabetes


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