Save 30% in the Deals Collection....Happy New Year!

Hi I'm Brenda Bamber, I have been married to a wonderful husband of 40 yrs, mother of 3 great children and 5 wonderful grand children. I was born in Wyoming, raised in Phoenix, AZ and have lived in Idaho for 26 yrs (after supporting my husband in a 20 yr Air Force Career) Entrepreneurship and Direct sales have always been a part of me. I started as young as 6yrs old selling lemonade in my neighborhood pulling my sister in a wagon with me. I then became the youngest demonstrator for House Of Lloyd Toys & Gifts (now out of business after many years) I have been a distributor for several other products over the years too. This always allowed me to promote products I believed in, make a few dollars and still be available for my family. I have always been very interested in using naturals products for healing and well being. From essential oils to naturals products for my internal and external well being. God gave us all these plants on earth to help us. I look forward to helping you with these great products.